I'm just messing with you. I'm actually trying to talk her into buying this one

Nice little mountain
Get some wind turbines, and get it off the grid totally. I'll be moving toward adopting an Amish lifestyle.
Just have to figure out how to keep my internet connection.
And find a reputable mongoose supplier, as snakes scare the poop out of me.
You know, there are some Amish that rely on air power to run their power things. Wonder how you could run your computer and internet connection of of air power? You could get quite a few hamsters and build a great big running wheel for them and let hem power your computer. :)
Do whatever it takes to keep that internet connection. We'd be lost without you
teeheehee.. I read a cmment somewhwere about some couple who said they lived totally old-fashioned, no modern conveniences... and apparently tje comments they left saying this were from a computer,... how, I wonder, do these people who refsue to use modern technology manage to leave a comment on a webstie?
can i come visit? i grew up in the pocono's.
Ooh, single-storey. Fancy shizzle.
Lotta snow in the poconooooooooos!!!
Hey, I can't believe you found that picture of hubby and me in front of our home!
You do realize that the house is just a front. Once inside, you will find a secret entrance to an elevator that takes you down into the mountain to comfortable living quarters, a weapons arsenal, and your own personal, non-polluting, endless power supply.
Welcome to the Dharma Initiative. This is the Poco Poco Hatch.
Now would this be a second home as in vacation home? If that is the case you could avoid the snow at all costs and take an extra battery for your laptop. All set!
Sweeeet. Love the idea of the mountain home, and snakes don't bother me a bit. Mongoose's? Mongeese? More than one mongoose would bother me though. They crap all over the place like rats.
OLD MAN living off the grid is the way to go. It is so 2009!!!
DO IT!! But let OLD LADY stay in your old house to live like a queen!!!
And President Obama will make sure you have a chicken to put in your pot there!!! Of course, no gas to cook it, and we certainly can't have you cutting down any trees to burn for environmental reasons. You will have a chicken for your pot, however.
@ Nick: I like the idea of hamster powered internet.
@ Dizz: My number one priority is keeping my blog going. Kind of explains why my life sucks.
@ Shadow: Maybe they used one of those steam powered computers.
@ Amy: You'd hardly recognize it. I used to go up when I was a kid, and went back a couple years ago and they had stores and other signs of civilization.
@ Hindley: Yeah, living large
@ Lauren: I know. The house is right down the road from Jack Frost Ski Resort.
@ Melanie: I hacked into your photobucket account.
@ Reforming: I wish.
@ Etta: Second home, but way more snow than we have here. It starts snowing there in October. But, no sidewalk to shovel.
@ Don: But every winter, they would die, so the population would be controlled.
@ Michelle: We do seem to get along better when we are in different states.
@ FishHawk: That place has so many stupid trees, no one would notice if I cut down a few.
I like the first house better. Bwhahahahahaha.
Have a terrific Sunday Crotchety. :)
Keyhole satellite imagery, my dear Crotchety.
You HAVE to have to be hooked up on the WORLD WIDE WED. How would you survive? NO dropping, blogging, image searches, blog mind control?
That my friends would be no life to live.
Wish I had a house with roof moss. Seems like it'd need less maintenance.
Don't just adopt the lifestyle, adopt an Amish child as well.
I understand they are very hard working, skilled in carpentry and don't talk back. He/She could fix the place up for you.
Don't lose your internet. I have grown to love you!!
That is really nice though. And do like we did for the snakes.
Get a couple of good cats that live mostly outdoors and then get some geese.
We have a pond about about 50 feet from our front door and we're in Oklahoma. Once we got cats and geese...no more snakes.
Happy Sunday...gotta' go track down Willie right quick!!:-)))
Are ya gonna sit on your sofa on the front porch and clean your gun?
@ Sandee: You have a good one, too. I'm kind of fond of the first house, also.
@ FishHawk: True
@ Hussy: I know
@ CB: It would. Don't know how it lasts, though
@ Ram: That's not a bad idea. I could get a cow or two, and they could churn butter, too.
@ Shinade: Thanks. Don't the cats fight with the geese?
@ Robert: That would work. Thanks
@ Lin: Of course.
If you do buy that house in the Poconos, could you stop by East Stroudsburg University and check on my son? He goes to school there. If he's drunk, I don't want to know. If the cops are there, tell him to call his dad, not me.
I'd love to get off the grid as long as I can still have the internet. If I didn't have to work for the man I would have so much more time to do things like write and drop my cards which take up way too much of my time. Remember the show Goode Neighbors? It was a British comedy about a couple who did just that, without the internet since it hadn't been invented by Al Gore yet. I'd love to go an live on the north shore of lake Superior except there would be some serious snow shoveling for even longer than I have to do it now. Nice little cabin however. Good luck.
OOooo can I come ?
@ Joanie: No problem
@ Jen: I remember that show. He farmed in his front yard.
@ Dani: Of course.
Don't get all hippie on me and get off the internet!!!
I love your funnies! Thanks for making it a lot of fun to come back to your site over and over!
I don't like woodsy homes off in the moddle of nowhere serial killers usually inhabit those parts...
dangit!~ you always have so mant freakin comments..send some of your ppl my way..If they like the Beatles or music..or not? lmao
@ Kirsten: I don't plan on that.
@ Rhonda: Glad to see you coming back
@ Harley: I have the best readers/commentors.
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