I wanted to do one of those nice little stories using blogs titles like Ettarose http://sanityonedge.blogspot.com/ does, but I'm not that talented.
So, instead I'm doing a shout out and quick mini blog review to anyone who posted on my "favorites" thread Monday, and as many of my regulars as I can remember. I highly recommend everyone read my regulars because obviously, they are able to recognize quality. To my readers and friends

Jen from http://redheadranting.com/ A humor writer relating her battles with cold winters, and balky appliances, and the occasional rant about exes and kids.
Lin from http://duckandwheelwithstring.blogspot.com/ Slice of life family humor blogger.
Kirsten from http://momjeansblogger.blogspot.com/ The uber soccer Mom/pimp.
Chica from http://lady-sarcasm.blogspot.com/ Talented photoshopper, with sarcasm to spare.
The Hawg from http://naturalhawg.blogspot.com/ Mixed bag, ranging from politics to music to humor, and everything in between.
Don from http://beyondleftfield.blogspot.com/ Humor with a sharp edge.
Marie from http://nourishourselves.blogspot.com/ Upbeat blog, and excels at, I swear, finding the funny side of MS.
http://commercialhate.blogspot.com/ We all hate commercials, finally, someone points out how stupid commercials can be.
Jenn from http://cabbages-n-kings.blogspot.com/ Don't tell the others, but this is my favorite. It's well written, and funny. And, my "go to" blog for zombie news.
Petra from http://thewiseyoungmommy.blogspot.com/ A Mommy blog that is funny and entertaining. Warning: Occasionally she posts some, erm, devices for wimmin, and she warns me in advance so I can read the post with my eyes closed.
The Reforming Geek from http://boomergeekgirl.blogspot.com/ Humor blog with slice of life viewpoints.
Andy from http://makeapound.blogspot.com/ Interesting look at ways to make blogs better from a technical standpoint, without a lot of the jargon.
Shinade from http://shinade.blogspot.com/ Her blog, the Painted Veil, is a place for relaxing and musing.
Moooooog from http://midgetmanofsteel.blogspot.com/ Humor blog. More adult in content.
Sandee from http://comedyplus.blogspot.com/ Features a quick joke or picture to start your day with a laugh.
Shadow Crystal from http://internettreasuretrove.blogspot.com/ Always interesting, usually humorous, look at life.
The Self Deprechaun from http://selfdeprechaun.blogspot.com/ Asian humor blogger living large in NYC. Always makes me feel better about myself.
Chat from http://www.witsbitch.com/ Remember the TV show That Girl, or Mary Tyler Moore? Then imagine if either one wrote a blog, and was actually funny. That would come close. Add in wimmin devices and stilettos, and it's pretty close.
Jormengrund from http://jormengrund-yetanotherdayinparadise.blogspot.com/ A daddy blogger, using family situations and good humor.
MA Fat Woman from http://reflectionsonamiddle-agedfatwoman.blogspot.com/ Another humorblogger, with lots of yard sales.
Lipstick from http://www.lipstickatthemailbox.com/ A Mommy blogger, and more.
Dani from http://www.momscrazylife.com/ A humor blog. Dani is a Mom of 6, but that ain't no effin Mom blog. (Hey, that's her tagline. I'm not being rude)
Dizzblnd from http://soggy-doggy-bloggy.blogspot.com/ Humorblog, with an awesome Madlibs game every Sunday.
Kelly from http://www.humorsmith.com/ Humorblogger often finding the funny in current events.
Chelle from http://www.offendedblogger.com/ Blogging the offended and the offensive because they are out there. Her tag line says it all.
Sherry from http://www.blondesherry.blogspot.com/ has a mixed bag. She writes a few blogs, including one that is more current events/political.
Paul from http://www.paulshealthblog.com/ which is a blog with health tips
Laura from http://www.junkfoodaholic.com/ A junk foodaholics journey to health.
FishHawk from http://asthecrackerheadcrumbles.blogspot.com/ one religious man's view of life
Lauren from http://canubapartofmylife.blogspot.com/ Her blog is dedicated to her dating life, and politics. And her cats. I'm sure there is a joke in that combination somewhere.
Claire from http://crpitt.blogspot.com/ One of the most talented doodlers I've ever seen. She also chronicles her quest for a degree, along with helping her Mum through some health challenges. And she does it with a sense of humor.
Janna from http://jannaverse.blogspot.com/ Extremely funny blog. Creative, and not to be missed. Creator of the Jannapedia. This is the blog I steal more ideas from than any other.
Kate from http://onlifeasiknowit.blogspot.com/ A blog with attitude. Celebrities can be hilarious when they aren't trying to be.
Michelle from http://rawcool46.blogspot.com/ A blog with raw food tips, running stories, and all around life lessons.
Jamie, the Hussy Housewife from http://jamieandtnt.blogspot.com/ writes a humor blog and makes some awesome videos.
Kathy from http://www.junkdrawerblog.com/ writes a personal humor blog, and provides a chance to giggle at the silly little things we all see, and forget to laugh at.
William from http://deadrooster.com/ Another well written humor blog, and Bill often is the victim of his wit. His bed head post is classic.
Swirl Girl from http://swirlgirlspearls.blogspot.com/ A Mom Blog, with some style.
Hindleyite from http://retroyakking.today.com/ A humor blogger from England. Uses local, yet universal humor.
And last, but certainly not least, Charmaine from http://charmaine-greymatters.blogspot.com/
A blog dedicated to middle aged dating. Charmaine is very funny and honest.
I wanted to thank everyone for visiting and for writing great blogs. Thanks for the inspiration, the assistance, and the friendship.
Let's get together and do this again at post 1001.
Joe, thank you for the shout. I always enjoy your wry comments on life, and it's a pleasure to count you among my humorblogger buddies.
Here's to the second 500!
Thank you Joe for the shout out, but you're on my HAVE to read list everyday !!!
Congratulations on your 501, and I'm wishing you many many more !!!!
Woot! you made it. What a fabulous post. like Dani, your on my must read list. I'll be here should you make it to 1001. :)
Joe, that was a very nice thing to do. By the way thanks to you I am a regular over at FishHawk's. He is awesome and has a great blog. WAY TO GO! everyone. (by the way it's me ettarose)
What a very nice thing to do, I knew under that crotchety exterior, there was a happy happy man. Congrats on your 500th post.
Thank yo so much for the shout out!
thanks for the shout out!!
Moooooog: More adult, less filling.
Thanks for the shout out.
Or type out.
Or whatever out that was.
Unless it was coming out.
I don't swing that way.
Thanks and congrats. I hope I can make it that far.
I'm heading over to steal from Janna!
Even though you didn't mention me, you did mention moooog, so you are forgiven ;)
thanks for the shout out!
Spaz is stalking me.
@ Humor: Thanks.
@ Dani: Glad to. You're on my daily list.
@ Chica: Thanks. I'll do my best. That should be sometime in 2012!
Oy vey.
@ Etta in disguise: He really is a decent guy, for a Cowboys fan.
@ Dizz: Not even close. Happy is such an overstatement.
@ Kate: Glad to. Thanks for getting me started in blogging.
@ MA: Thanks. I appreciate it.
@ Moooooog: It was a shout out.
@ Reforming: It's where I get my best stuff.
@ Mike: See, I told you I'd forget some.
@ I Hate: Glad to. I think of your blog whenever I see stupid commercials and wonder when you'll get to them.
@ Moooooog (again): I've heard that. It's a Canadian thing.
Thanks for the shout, Joe! BTW, you got an honorable mention on my blog today. I swear I posted that before I saw this one!
Thanks so much for the mention and shout out. Much appreciated! I always enjoy reading your "yells."
Wow Joe thanks. That's quite a list too. I'm surprised to remember so many. Nice job. Incidentally, I'm right with you on almost all of those. Congrats on 501!!!!
holy hell that is a long list of regular people....I eat fiber one and am quite regular myself, if ya know what I mean. ;)
congrats on 501 posts.
Allsome surprise for your 501st!!! :) and thank you for writing all your great posts! you know the all the cool peeps in bloggyland and yet you'll also admit you know me too? what more could a girl ask for?? you ARE the BESTEST Crotchety!! {{hugs}} :D
Woo hoo to DOM for 501!
Well looky there. I rhymed!
It's always fun to read what's on the Old Man's mind.
Keep truckin' DOM!!
OoOoOo... I love this... I'll never have to look for a new blog again... I might even end up finding a few more places to take over my life ;-P (I just to only 'have' to check e-mail in the morning... now I 'have' to check a few blogs ,too) hehehe
Wow, this is some serious link love. Thanks for including me Crotchety.
Have a terrific day. :)
@ Kirsten: Thanks. I saw it.
@ Sherry: Glad you enjoy it.
@ Don: I could have made the list twice as long. That's how many great readers I have and how many friends I've made.
@ Stacie: I do.
@ Chat: Aww. I do know all the cool kids.
@ Quirky: Thanks for reading. BTW, your blog makes me LOL every time.
@ Shadow: Lots of great ones listed.
@ Sandee: Glad to. Your blog starts my day out right.
Aw, aren't you spiffy, Crotchety!! I will try to ensure you're kept up on all that is Zombie oriented. If the zombie hoardes arrived, I would gladly launch a rescue mission to Jersey. :)
Joe, thanks for the shout out. I look forward to your comments on all my blogs. They make writing them worth all the fuss.
I haven't read all 500 of your posts but I've stopped by everyday since I discovered you back in November. Yours is a must read for me.
You picked some great blogs here. I know most of them but there are some I haven't seen yet but with your stamp of approval I know I can't go wrong.
Congratulations on the 500 and here's to another 500.
Congrats on your 501!!!!!!
Way to go, COM.....:-)
Hey....you have to have a blog to be a "regular"?
Dang......guess I should start one.
Great list, and I am proud to be mentioned!
You forgot to mention I always have the coveted Zucchini Award!!
Thanks for the shout-out, Crotchety! Expect a story posted by me later tonight on my blogs commemorating your 500th post.
I'll put something like this in there -- "If you don't read Crotchety's blog everyday, you're a damned fool."
Rock on...
Thanks for the mention, pally! You have quite the blogroll and the following there! WoW! I'm honored to be on the list.
Some good blogs there Joe but yours still is the one folks go to first!
Even though I have rarely left a comment, just want you to know that I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog. Your sense of humour and the way you express it is inspiring.
@ Jenn: Thanks. In New Jersey, there could be a breakout at any minute, too.
@ Jen: Thanks. The first 300 were kind of lame, anyway.
@ Shyne: No, but it's hard to highlight your blog link, if you don't have a blog.
@ The Hussy: You are one of the few, the proud, the Zucchinid
@ The Hawg: Thanks, you're too kind.
@ Lin: Glad to have you there. I need to update my blogroll. My inherent laziness kicks in with tasks like that.
@ Adullamite: Thanks. It's because I post earliest.
@ Robin: Thanks. Glad to know you are enjoying it. I appreciate your comments.
Holy momma,
What happend to me?
Love ya,
Congrats on 501!
@ Charmaine: I have no idea. Where have you been?
@ On the verge: Thanks.
Thank you for the link and the kind words and the....
Hey, wait...
You steal more ideas from my blog than any other?
I'm not sure whether to be flattered or to send you an invoice.
Maybe I can do both. :)
Thanks for the shout out! Dating, politics and cats...wouldn't that make me the crazy cat lady?
@ Janna: Yes, but I give you credit (usually)
I should run a tab.
OMG Crotchety! I am blushing and giggling too. Thank you so much for the mention. You are one of my absolute faves. Hugs!
Wow, Joe, thanks so much!! Boy, I am sure listed in some awesomely talented company!
Your blogs are among my favorites too. I was hooked ever since the hand down the pants one.
I think that is probably a very sad commentary about me and what I find funny. lol
I have also been aware for a long time that crotchety schmotchety, you have one of the kindest hearts in the blogging world. I am fortunate to know you.
So congrats on hitting 501!! My hundreth is coming up. Woohoo!! Par-tay!!!
Congrats, Crotchety! And thanks for the shout-out. I love what you did with this post. I know many of the bloggers you listed, but I'm checking them all out. Great list!
Onward to the next 500!
@ Lauren: Pretty much.
@ Lipstick: Thanks. Glad to.
@ Marie: I'm looking forward to your 100th.
@ Kathy: Thanks. It's a good list of some of the best around. Glad to have you on the list.
WOW OLD MAN thank you for the shout out!!!
i am sorry I've been absent for a few posts but i am back now.
I think your the knees bees and swell too!!!! :O)
@ Michelle: Glad to see you back. Thanks.
Oooops its the
Bee's Knee's!!!
And I am not even drinking!!! Well unless you count sleepy time tea as drinking!!! Makes me loopy!!
Joe, you and your blog are the best.
Congratulations on post number 501.
Eat Well. Live Well.
ER BurnTheFat.com
Just found your blog through another blog... just blog surfing. Great, now you give me a list of a bunch of other great blogs that I must read and add to my Google Reader (including yours). I swear, I am never going to get offline! Congrats on your 501 (jeans? lol).
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