I was watching TV last night

And, are you ready for this, it will cost me 20 bucks to reach fulfillment. Talk about a deal and a half.
Here is the commercial that has changed my life:
I have

Bend it like Beckham, erm, Geller
You'd think he would make more money straightening spoons, but I'm still new to the whole "mind power" game.
So, how about fronting me the life changing 20 bucks? I'll pay you back the very first suitcase full of money I find.
I knew you were going to say that.

Spooky, huh?
I'll give you the money if you promise to keep away from my damn spoons.
I couldn't watch the video. I don't know why it wouldn't work but I suppose if I bought it I would.
Well, if nothing else, you could hang the "Mystery Pendulum" in the window as a sun catcher.
Predicting which suitcase has the money...you could finally beat Deal or No Deal!
Should adjust the antenna of your "psychic abilities" a bit. I was going to pry open my wallet for the 20 bucks after realizing the great potential of your money-making god-given gift. But then, BAM!! BAM, BAM, BAM!!! - you said "NO"!
Oh well ...
I think you may need more practice. You should see that big penis coming right at you if you were to buy that video.
OLD MAN you don't need help!
You are perfecto just the way you are!!
I would lend you the $20 though!!
I have always been psychic. For instance, I don't see me dishing out $20 for something that I don't need. I hope it works well for you :)
I knew you were going to post this story today!
So close? Yeah, right. Aren't we all? :)
Please take your meds and go back to bed. Your psychotic delusions of grandeur will be gone when you wake up.
@ Douglas: Deal!
@ Jen: I predict you'll see it a few thousand times on TV
@ Me-Me: That is worth the price of the kit by itself.
@ Shawn: Get me on the show, and we'll split the million.
@ Buzzing: I knew you were going to say that.
@ Etta: LOL
@ Michelle: I knew I could count on you. Thanks.
@ Dizz: Thanks. Lots of my readers are psychic, too.
@ Lauren: Maybe you have the ability, too. Did you pick the correct case?
@ Sherry: Always.
@ Reforming: How did you know that? Did you already buy the kit?
Can this video be any stupider? Who believes this crap? lool And who paid to get this video done..? :D
Is Geller out of prison already?
Ha ha ha. I sense Evil Surfer Dude is going to land on my doorstep again.
Hell, don't need to be a psychic to figure THAT out.
Instead of bending spoons, you could always use your powers to bend the front axles of the cars who tailgate me.
I'd really appreciate that.
If you knew I was gonna say no, then we both just saved ourselves $20...there's $40 already! God you're good.
@ Rebellious Arab Girl: I just know, I won't be getting one soon.
@ Relax: He bent the bars of the prison.
@ Charmaine: You just saved 20 bucks
@ Janna: I'm working on it as I type. Let me know how it works out.
@ Nonamed: I do have a gift for this.
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