"Hi! Billy Mays here for Crotchety's blog"
He'll be starring with some other hack in a reality TV show called "Pitchmen: Gadgets to Glory."http://tinyurl.com/dy4w8k
Does anyone else remember when Discovery Channel used to provide some semblence of quality to their programming?
Between shows about really fat people, and strange family dynamics, they at least pretended to inform while entertaining. It looks like they have just about given up that pretense altogether.
By the way, as far as the post title--Ron Popeil used to sell spray on head paint for anyone who was in need of more hair, and didn't want to go for the fake look of a hairpiece.
So is he going to pitch everything - a new product every week? Or is he going to expose the pitchmen for the frauds that they are? (I suppose I could have read the article, but I'm too lazy.)
maybe I should have him hawk the appreciation boxes on an ad commercial,,,LOL
Can you do a bit to sell my kids ?
Oh be nice to the tv people, their venue is dying.
That is very sad. I hope he won't be yelling at us.. doesn't matter, I won't watch anyway.
I do remember the "hair spray"
Billy Mays should be an inspiration to all who read this blog on a regular basis--including the writer of it, of course!!!
I like him! Although now that I know his head or face may or may not be painted on.. it might be a problem. lmao
While that article claims that Billy Mays' commercials were regularly rated the worst on TV, I find them some of the best. It must be my love of all things infomercial. And Billy Mays' commercials are like infomercials in convenient commercial-size form.
In place of "The Deadliest Catch" we get Billy Mays? Oh geez. There goes the neighborhood!
I love the Discovery Channel - always informative, never pointless sensationalist drivel.
I could watch those commercials all day long. Yes, I have no life.
So a reality show for product pitchmen to compete to see who's the best for new pitchmen to break into the market...... Hmmm..... I never got the impression that there was any shortage of them or that this is the sort of this we'd want to encourage... Aren't there too many stupid infomercials already? Besides, I own too much of the crap sold on these things already - this is just going to end up costing me more. :)
oh cool, now I can get my pocket fisherman!
@ Nanny: The article really wasn't too specific. Sort of "But wait, there's more."
@ Rutgers: Sure, he's a Jersey guy.
@ Dani: I'm sure he could put a deal together.
@ Lauren: I guess so. Maybe they need a bailout.
@ Dizz: I'm sure he'll be yelling at everyone.
@ FishHawk: He is.
@ Lady Sarcasm: I like him, too. He is so enthusiastic.
@ Shawn: I'm into infomercials, too. I watch "The Knife Show" whenever I'm up at 2 a.m. It should be prime time.
@ Don: They are playing to the lowest common denominator.
@ Tiggy: Always.
@ Mary: Watching infomercials and talking to telemarketers is my life.
@ Goddess: I'm not sure of the format. Either way, I'm going to watch it at least once.
@ Swirl: Finally.
Billy Mays: Hmmm, shoulda stayed in baseball........
I just love someone screaming at my face. Now I can tune in on Discovery and have Billy scream at me anytime I want. "Honey, can we get Tivo? I just heard that Billy Mays is going to be on Discovery regularly..."
MTV and VH1 used to play music videos and the History Channel showed programs about history. Just sayin'.
The nerve. That's it, I'm blocking the Discovery Channel.
FYI, the really fat people have moved to the Learning Channel.
Oh my hubby always talks about this man and his painted hair!! It drives him bonkers...good one!!
Happy Sunday!!:-)
@ Valdese: The Giants could use him in center
@ Carl: Yeah, you don't want to miss that.
@ Jen: Things just get sillier.
@ Me-Me: But wait, there's more!
@ Mike: I'll have to check that out then.
@ Shinade: Hair paint was so 1980's.
Naw... too funny. Definitely gives new meaning to discovering things.
I was just thinking about posting about how Billy Mays was taking over all the airwaves. I saw him selling...are you ready for this... snowboards from that same darn kitchen!!
I may still have to post about it.
I remember the spray on hair...and often wondered if the beard was a product of that. ;)
My husband watches the History Channel frequently (okay, CONSTANTLY) and I noticed over the weekend they had all kinds of weird stuff on -- like aliens and big foot and "predator X" (whatever that is).
What's up with that?? I feel like I've fallen into an alternate reality where the history channel is actually the National Enquirer Channel. Weird.
LOL . . . I had forgotten about the "paint your bald spot" infomercials :) Back in the day, we were bombarded by everything Ronco around Christmas time . . . remember the pocket fishing thingie?
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