I wanted to take the time to thank my readers and commentors. I admit that I write for me, but without you, I wouldn't find it nearly as much fun. I wanted to list every regular, but, we get a couple hundred comments a week, and won't want to leave anyone out intentionally, so if you aren't mentioned, please understand it was an oversight, and I owe you one. Most bloggers write several blogs, so I picked the most well known, or at least the one I visit.
I wanted to do one of those nice little stories using blogs titles like Ettarose
http://sanityonedge.blogspot.com/ does, but I'm not that talented.
So, instead I'm doing a shout out and quick mini blog review to anyone who posted on my "favorites" thread Monday, and as many of my regulars as I can remember. I highly recommend everyone read my regulars because obviously, they are able to recognize quality. To my readers and friends

Jen from
http://redheadranting.com/ A humor writer relating her battles with cold winters, and balky appliances, and the occasional rant about exes and kids.
Lin from
http://duckandwheelwithstring.blogspot.com/ Slice of life family humor blogger.
Kirsten from
http://momjeansblogger.blogspot.com/ The uber soccer Mom/pimp.
Chica from
http://lady-sarcasm.blogspot.com/ Talented photoshopper, with sarcasm to spare.
The Hawg from
http://naturalhawg.blogspot.com/ Mixed bag, ranging from politics to music to humor, and everything in between.
Don from
http://beyondleftfield.blogspot.com/ Humor with a sharp edge.
Marie from
http://nourishourselves.blogspot.com/ Upbeat blog, and excels at, I swear, finding the funny side of MS.
http://commercialhate.blogspot.com/ We all hate commercials, finally, someone points out how stupid commercials can be.
Jenn from
http://cabbages-n-kings.blogspot.com/ Don't tell the others, but this is my favorite. It's well written, and funny. And, my "go to" blog for zombie news.
Petra from
http://thewiseyoungmommy.blogspot.com/ A Mommy blog that is funny and entertaining. Warning: Occasionally she posts some, erm, devices for wimmin, and she warns me in advance so I can read the post with my eyes closed.
The Reforming Geek from
http://boomergeekgirl.blogspot.com/ Humor blog with slice of life viewpoints.
Andy from
http://makeapound.blogspot.com/ Interesting look at ways to make blogs better from a technical standpoint, without a lot of the jargon.
Shinade from
http://shinade.blogspot.com/ Her blog, the Painted Veil, is a place for relaxing and musing.
Moooooog from
http://midgetmanofsteel.blogspot.com/ Humor blog. More adult in content.
Sandee from
http://comedyplus.blogspot.com/ Features a quick joke or picture to start your day with a laugh.
Shadow Crystal from
http://internettreasuretrove.blogspot.com/ Always interesting, usually humorous, look at life.
The Self Deprechaun from
http://selfdeprechaun.blogspot.com/ Asian humor blogger living large in NYC. Always makes me feel better about myself.
Chat from
http://www.witsbitch.com/ Remember the TV show That Girl, or Mary Tyler Moore? Then imagine if either one wrote a blog, and was actually funny. That would come close. Add in wimmin devices and stilettos, and it's pretty close.
Jormengrund from
http://jormengrund-yetanotherdayinparadise.blogspot.com/ A daddy blogger, using family situations and good humor.
MA Fat Woman from
http://reflectionsonamiddle-agedfatwoman.blogspot.com/ Another humorblogger, with lots of yard sales.
Lipstick from
http://www.lipstickatthemailbox.com/ A Mommy blogger, and more.
Dani from
http://www.momscrazylife.com/ A humor blog. Dani is a Mom of 6, but that ain't no effin Mom blog. (Hey, that's her tagline. I'm not being rude)
Dizzblnd from
http://soggy-doggy-bloggy.blogspot.com/ Humorblog, with an awesome Madlibs game every Sunday.
Kelly from
http://www.humorsmith.com/ Humorblogger often finding the funny in current events.
Chelle from
http://www.offendedblogger.com/ Blogging the offended and the offensive because they are out there. Her tag line says it all.
Sherry from
http://www.blondesherry.blogspot.com/ has a mixed bag. She writes a few blogs, including one that is more current events/political.
Paul from
http://www.paulshealthblog.com/ which is a blog with health tips
Laura from
http://www.junkfoodaholic.com/ A junk foodaholics journey to health.
FishHawk from
http://asthecrackerheadcrumbles.blogspot.com/ one religious man's view of life
Lauren from
http://canubapartofmylife.blogspot.com/ Her blog is dedicated to her dating life, and politics. And her cats. I'm sure there is a joke in that combination somewhere.
Claire from
http://crpitt.blogspot.com/ One of the most talented doodlers I've ever seen. She also chronicles her quest for a degree, along with helping her Mum through some health challenges. And she does it with a sense of humor.
Janna from
http://jannaverse.blogspot.com/ Extremely funny blog. Creative, and not to be missed. Creator of the Jannapedia. This is the blog I steal more ideas from than any other.
Kate from
http://onlifeasiknowit.blogspot.com/ A blog with attitude. Celebrities can be hilarious when they aren't trying to be.
Michelle from
http://rawcool46.blogspot.com/ A blog with raw food tips, running stories, and all around life lessons.
Jamie, the Hussy Housewife from
http://jamieandtnt.blogspot.com/ writes a humor blog and makes some awesome videos.
Kathy from
http://www.junkdrawerblog.com/ writes a personal humor blog, and provides a chance to giggle at the silly little things we all see, and forget to laugh at.
William from
http://deadrooster.com/ Another well written humor blog, and Bill often is the victim of his wit. His bed head post is classic.
Swirl Girl from
http://swirlgirlspearls.blogspot.com/ A Mom Blog, with some style.
Hindleyite from
http://retroyakking.today.com/ A humor blogger from England. Uses local, yet universal humor.
And last, but certainly not least, Charmaine from
http://charmaine-greymatters.blogspot.com/A blog dedicated to middle aged dating. Charmaine is very funny and honest.
I wanted to thank everyone for visiting and for writing great blogs. Thanks for the inspiration, the assistance, and the friendship.
Let's get together and do this again at post 1001.