Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Caption this: win Zucchini

Entrecard credits and Zucchini for the winner. Good luck!



Kelly Ann said...

"Pumping iron. Does a body NO good."

"Hasta lavista Tran!"

"I'm a wo-man and I'm OK. I whip all night and I lift all day!"

Marie said...

Joe, how on earth did you get a hold of my picture?!?!

Anonymous said...

"Does this whip make my boobs look big?"

"It's none of your business whether I tuck or not!"

Anonymous said...

SAW VI: We're just doing whatever the hell we want now.

tahtimbo said...

Nancy Pelosi gets ready to whip Congress into shape.

A New Yorker said...

Joe on steroids.

Unknown said...

wtf is that ?

Anonymous said...

"Mistress May I.."

Jackie said...

"Come to mama know you want it*wink*"!

The Queen said...

Who's yo Momma, um Daddy.. um...hold me, I'm scared!

The Queen said...

That picture is like a bad wreck, you don't want to look but you do, and I have a question..

is that Robin from batman and robin? No really, look at the eyes.. I think Robin got tired of being the woman, and is about to show batman how it's done..

I know, sick on sooo many levels...

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

Got anymore of those roids? I'm hungry.

Adullamite said...

"Darling, have you been watching Oprah again?"

Lola said...

I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts
And I'm too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan
New York and Japan

I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk
Yeah on the catwalk on the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk

Unknown said...

After the death of Batman, Catwoman pumped up on steroids and vowed cruel and unusual punishment of the murderer

Deb said...

Associated Press: It has been discovered that Ahnald, humiliated by his political performance, underwent a rigorous treatment of hormones and steroids in hopes one will recognize him when he puts in for his re-election bid.

Moooooog35 said...

Alex Rodriguez finally hits rock bottom.

Unknown said...

Cat woman and Batman are forced to merge into one super hero with the collapse of the economy.

Technodoll said...

Public Safety Warning: Hugging silicone gives you whiplash!

ReformingGeek said...

"WHAT are YOU looking at? They're real, Dumbass."

Kevenj said...

"In an unprecedented move,
Hillary Clinton appoints former body builder Beatrice Goffin in hopes she will encourage others to see her point of view."

A smiling and slightly blushing Clinton stated "Im so very proud of Beacy, er, Ms. Goffin.You all know it takes a village to make things work around here."

Jo said...

Batman does drag! Please don't give my secret away to the good folks of Gotham! Joker would have a hayday with this one!

Sheila said...

Mrs Crotchety Old Man, "and when you finish those dishes come rub my feet!"

Jo Hoffacker said...

"I'm too sexy for my shirt..."

Margo said...

Nice ankles.

Going Like Sixty said...

Posh tried a new spice from that nice Bondsage boy.

LL said...

Finally... a decent picture of Dani.

Ed & Jeanne said...

The Wrestler Part 2: Mickey Rourke gets Married

Anonymous said...

I can throw minivans 50 feet, crush steel with my thighs and you can almost see my breasts under my muscles. So, tell me, are you looking for a good time, big boy?

Marie said...

Oh my God, these are ALL so funny!!

The A. Rod one is great.

But I have to admit, the Mrs. Crotchety one made me laugh the loudest.

Unknown said...

Great googly moogly, Joe, where do you even find these things? :)

nonamedufus said...

"I mean it, I'm not taking any more personal messages."

Anonymous said...

Rocky Horror Picture Show: 2009

Unknown said...

'Run Forrest RUN'

'Manly...yes...but I like it too'

Anonymous said...

"Meet Pat! He/she/it skirts the thin line between sexual fetishism and outright insanity."

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson's latest "Comeback."

MamaFlo said...

Grotesque doesn't even come close to a description.

Anonymous said...

"I've got your p-whip, right here baby!"

Bonnie Story said...

Dude Looks Like a Lady!!!

Anonymous said...

When she says come to bed ...

Unknown said...

"With this disguise, they'll never know I am a man."

Unknown said...

Whisper sweet nothings in my ear and I'll beat the crap out of you.

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

Zorro finally underwent his transormation

rubbish said...

Speaking exclusively to Oprah, George Michael proclaimed his love for the new woman in his life. "The moment I saw her step out of the shower I knew she was the one for me. Toned body, beautiful eyes, 10 inch dick. It was love at first sight".

Sandee said...

That is just plain gross. I'm going to go be sick now.

Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)

Anonymous said...

A-Rod's OTHER cousin.

A New Yorker said...


A New Yorker said...

Tranny trainer anyone?

I Hate Commercials said...

"No those aren't my biceps..."

Anonymous said...

Book Promo: How to Win Friends and Influence People

opirnia said...

do you think this makes me look fat?

Jen said...

The reason I don't pump iron.

Jen said...

Or take steroids.

Kate said...

You know you want it. You know you do. So, say it, bitch. Say it. SAY IT OR I'LL HURT YOU!

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

With PX90, you too can get "breastorals"

Swirl Girl said...

"Zeigfried and Roy" - the post retirement tour!

Ron Centeno said...

That was gross! Hahahaha!

"Alex Rodriguez can't beat me!"

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Look at this before dinner and loose 20 pounds before spring

Kirsten said...

Do I look fat in this?

Kirsten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
HumorSmith said...

Too many trips to Muscle Bitch, CA.

Paul Eilers said...



Eat Well. Live Well.

Matt said...

After 122 operations, Michael Jackson finally achieves the look he's always wanted.

The Self-Deprechaun said...

Zoro's attempt to get into major league baseball went terribly wrong after getting the infamous HGH shots from A Rod's cousin.

Tamster said...

Youse guys are hysterical

Anonymous said...

"Do these shoes match my whip?"

"After fading into oblivion, RuPaul reveals that (s)he's spent the last 10 years lifting weights and doing 'roids."

Suzanne said...

"Where's Her Penis?"

kalos_eidos said...

I'll never look at leather and whips in the same way again...

Unknown said...

Hi Adminm After 122 operations, Michael Jackson finally achieves the look he's always wanted Amazing post for bloggers. As a blogger I always try to find out big online communities and social
media groups to get connected with people.thanks for sharing

CrashPlan Crack