Thursday, March 05, 2009

Important Recycling Tip

It has come to our attention that certain citizens have not been following proper recycling procedures. A recent UPI story relates of a 76 year old NJ woman who was found in a recycling bin.


Oh sure, "they" claim it was an "accident," but we don't buy it.

Now, we are all in favor of recycling and responsible usage of our planet's resources, but when we start throwing away perfectly good old ladies, then it is time to take a stand, and I, for one, am doing so.

This must stop immediately.

Thank you for your cooperation. The Grandma you save may be your own.


Gianetta said...

I'm sure that the missus didn't mean her when she asked you to take out the trash. They said someone is Jersey won the 212 million...was it you?

Anonymous said...

I know this is wrong... but I can't stop laughing.

HR Diva said...

Joe I had to throw in my own caption, hope you don'd mind.

Someone told granny, they recycled the water from the fountain of youth, being gullible Granny jumped into the recycling bin after it.

Lapa37 said...

You gotta hate when that

A New Yorker said...

She's lucky she got to be an old lady...most are thrown away by 35! Good for you Joe that you are teaching the younger male generation some better values! :)

Technodoll said...

I want hot legs like that when I'm 76!!

Holding a Whacky Words contest on my site... come play!

Anonymous said...

DOM, I could not help it when I heard this on the news. How could you do anything but laugh your ass off? Can you imagine the look on the neighbors faces when they found her?

Anonymous said...

We're taking this "green" movement a little too far.

Da Old Man said...

@ MA: I wish it were me who won.

@ Shadow: I know. I feel bad about it, but it made me LOL.

@ Rutgers: No problem.

@ Lapa: I know.

@ Lauren: True dat. It's important.

@ Technodoll: I'll be by in a few minutes. Sounds fun.

@ Sue: I know. I feel bad that I find it so funny.

Da Old Man said...

@ Shawn: Exactly. Recycling old ladies is just wrong.

Donnie said...

What the hell. We're biodegradable. Maybe I can start up a body recycling business. Turn us into fertilizer. Which, by the way, a few of us are already.

Moooooog35 said...

I love trashy old ladies.

Maybe I got this story wrong.

Anonymous said...

Crotchety, you're missing the point. She wasn't being thrown away. She was being recycled. There's a different. I'm sure someone else will find a good use for her, perhaps after a little reconditioning.

Sandee said...

So that's where grandma ended up. I wondered. Bwahahahahaha.

Have a terrific day Crotchety. :)

Jen said...

I wouldn't recycle my grandparents but I have a couple of kids I wouldn't mind recycling.

Christopher Jones said...

It's people you know...

...That newspaper made of recycled material is made of people.

Anonymous said...

Can I do the same thing with my sister? That is, can I trade her in for a new, nicer version? I've tried just giving her away, but that doesn't seem to work.

Tamster said...

LOL @ throwing away perfectly good old ladies...

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Darn. My grandparents are all gone fun.

Kirsten said...

How do you know she was a "perfectly good" old lady?

Da Old Man said...

@ Don: Some, more than others

@ Mooog: Could be

@ Joel: Recycling is good, so you may be right

@ Sandee: You have a good one, too

@ Jen: I know the feeling

@ CB: Oh No!!!!

@ Staci: For some reason, I have a feeling if you put her in the recycling bin, she will be crankier.

@ Tamster: Glad you liked it.

@ Mary: Sorry

@ Kirsten: I bet she baked a mean batch of cookies.

Lin said...

But wouldn't that be a nice story to tell the kids when Grandma dies? "Honey, it was Grandma's time to be recycled" And think of the money you'll save on the wake and funeral!!! I'm in! My mom better watch it.....

Ron Centeno said...

The recycle bin contains miracle wastes. Granny dipped the lower half of her body first, now its time for the upper half.

Unknown said...

You learn something new everyday. So much easier (and cheaper) than those darn funerals.

Social Networking Blues

The Self-Deprechaun said...

Grandma's make good fertilizer.

Okay i'm ready to burn.

Da Old Man said...

@ Lin: With the cost of funerals, it may be the way to do things.

@ Ron: Half at a time works

@ Mike: Faster, too

@ Self: Grandmas are the fuel of the future

Tarun Kumar said...

Nice Article. Keep it up. But I think this is copy of your topic recycling process