Here's the long awaited first pulished photo of my surgery. Just looking at it makes me want to have the Lovely Nurse Treena inject me with some Dilodin.
I've been sick and in pain this week, so I haven't been able to post. Prepare to be filled in.
I had minor surgery on Monday. Idiot assistant doctor caught my back in some machine 4 (four, IV, quatro) times. leaving me slightly bruised. Yay for pain meds!
I decided to give up cursing, so if anyone calls me I'll mime most of the conversation.
This will be funnier for those who know me: I'm on food supplements and apettite enhancers. The nurses giggle when they give them to me. The supplemnts taste like a melted McDonald's vanilla shake, with added chalk for texture.
Type to youse soon.
Oh my Crotchety!
I'm so sorry you're having a rough week. Truly I am.
That pic makes ME want a pain pill!
I hope things get better for you soon. This has certainly been a very long haul. You and Mrs. Crotchety remain in my prayers. :)
Oh that's real nice. I talk about you today in an interview and this picture is the first impression they are going to get of you. Way to separate the blogging mice from the blogging men.
Still, I hope you are doing better and take care of that...that....is that a fat lip?
Oops I meant to show the link where I talk about you. Here it is.
Hey! Look at the little smiley face!
Great to hear from ya DOM.
Watch the pain meds. Crotchety old men can get even more crotchety when hooked on drugs.
YIKES! I'm still sending you positive thoughts.
Thanks (a lot) for that photo.
EWWWW... nasty photo! Now we really feel sorry for you! Hope the pain meds are working!
I still can't tell what that picture is all about, but maybe that's a good thing. Hope you start feeling better soon.
In all seriousness, I feel for you, my friend. (See how gracious I can be when my Cowboys are winning and your Giants aren't?)
ACK, COM!!!!!!! :-(
I'm so sorry about all the crap you've been through, too.
Positive, healing thoughts still going your way.
@ Quirky: That's after about a month of healing. It's about a foot wide. Mind if I join you in a pain pill?
@ Sandee: Yeah, we are approaching 6 months in the hospital or rehab. I forget what my home looks like.
@ Nanny; Thanks for the mention. Very nice article, too. That picture is of my former abdomen.
No more banana hammocks for me.
@ LL: Uh, sure.
@ Madison: Ive cut down a lot.
@ Reforming: You're quite welcome.
@ Cat Lady: Pain meds still provide relief for about 3 hours.
@ BONNIE: It's the remains of my abdomen.
@ FishHawk: You remain ever gracious. Go GIANTS.
@ Shyne: Thanks
Wow, that dietary supplement must be --delicious?
Glad you're able to start with keeping us 'in the loop'.
They enlarged your butt crack?! I can't tell what I'm looking at. As long as it's not your face, it's cool! Get back with us soon Joe.
Why the aerial shot of the Grand Canyon? Is THAT where you've been on those deluded Dilaudid trips?
Welcome back to the Twilight Zone, Crotchety!
Hello. And Bye.
Blechh. Food supplements. I hated those things. Do you take them orally or directly through that new crevice in your stomach?
Keep well, DOM. Sending positive thoughts out to you.
I'm not even sure what I'm seeing in that picture... and I'm not entirely sure I want to know. :) All I know is that I'm glad you're on the mend.
So sorry you've had a painful week and such a rough time overall. Hope you continue to improve, while keeping your wonderful sense of humor intact.
Where are you? I mean precisely...where?
I haven't kicked any doctor ass in over a year...
I'm itching for the opportunity...
I'm really good at it. You have to trust me.
The picture definitely makes me worry even more about you, even though I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at.
Whatever it is, it looks like it hurts. :(
Maybe they're hoping that if you take enough appetite enhancers, you'll say "Y'know what sounds good right now? Vanilla flavored chalk. Got any?"
Just what are we looking at? A disclaimer or warning might be a good thing. I hope you feel better soon, this has been such a long time for you and the Mrs.
OH that sux. Been posting funny videos over at my blog. If you need some giggles stop over.
@ Vanilla: It was the only thing I could keep down for most of the last 3 months.
@ Don: That's the current condition of my abdomen.
@ Deb: Didn't you do a feature that is something from Maine.
@ Anon: Thanks for stopping by.
@ Nonamed: I never thought of the direct route.
@ Jenn: It's my booboo.
@ Sherry: Thanks
@ Charmaine: I'M in a rehab center in S. Plainfield, N.J
@ Janna: It hurts a lot.
@ Jen: My abdominal surgery.
@ LauraAyn: Everyone can use a laugh. Thanks
You know, if you look at the picture just right, you seem to now have two butts!
So now do you wear two diapers?
I'm sure Mrs. C is just THRILLED about that one...
That looks painful and raw but it looks like it's healing well. You're going to have a hell of a zipper. Hang in there and good luck with not cursing. Let me know how it works out for you--maybe I'll try it one day. I don't think I'll have many words left ot use, though.
@ Jormen; Still one adult diaper.
@ Kathcom: It' been foing well. I had a siuation today that merited liberal use of the F bomb and I refrained.
We are still thinking of you out here in goatland.
We would hug ya but we don't want to hurt ya!
We hope you feel better soon.
How's it going?
I like your site, it's hilarious. I have a humor blog as well and I'd like to exchange links with you. We need to spread some traffic around.
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