Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Caption This Wednesday

Huge prizes. 500 Entrecard credits and the usual world wide fame. Good luck.



Kelly Ann said...

"Hey Doc, be a little gentler back there with that enema, your killing me here!"

tahtimbo said...

You think YOU'RE getting screwed at the pumps...don't get me started.

Gianetta said...

Love, unrequited...they say a elephant never forgets.

Anonymous said...

"With a lot of hard work and a little luck, even an elephant can be a proctologist!"

Swirl Girl said...

The expression goes "Hung LIKE a bull elephant. Not "Hanging FROM a bull elephant."

Heidi said...

"Honey, could you pack the trunk?"

Anonymous said...

next time don't stand too close to the ballot box during election day!

TheFLy said...

Since zoo's dont allow peanuts anymore, elephants have found ways to smuggle them in.

lot 2 learn said...

Now say Ahhhh

Anonymous said...

You know, you are the best boss ever! I really love the way you manage our team. I am so glad to work for you.

Anonymous said...

"Hey, this tastes pretty good!"

Jormengrund said...

You think YOU'VE got junk in your trunk.. Just look at what's in mine!!

Unknown said...

Where butt-kissing meets the law of the jungle.

Tamster said...

Rhino was delighted to get his Christmas goose early...

Rubba said...


Rhin-YES! . .

Rubba said...

"Tusk in the pink. . . Trunk in the stink". . . 8-O

Donnie said...

Tonsils? I don't see no tonsils...

Anonymous said...

How animals handle erectile dysfunction in the wild.
"Dude, blow harder it's almost there!"

Sandee said...

Damn you are so hot.

Matt said...

Babar gave a whole new meaning to the term "poop chute."

Bradley said...

You're temperature is 101 F. Take a couple of aspirin and call me in the morning.

Bradley said...

Yum, you ate barley this morning.

ReformingGeek said...

"Oh Ralph, please don't do that now. It really tickles and people are watching"

A New Yorker said...

I told you...IT'S NOT IN THERE!

Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

"Hey Ellie, I did it! You owe me 10 peanuts!"

Anonymous said...

The National Geographic failed drastically after trying to introduce their own spin on Mr. Dressup's 'Tickle Trunk' in an attempt to appeal to a younger audience.

Anonymous said...

Roy the rhino was embarrassed not only because this perverted display of interspecies lust was caught on camera, but because he knew that Crotchety Old Man would eventually make this a "Caption This" contest.

GumbyTheCat said...

Mom! Uncle Babar is touching me again!

Chat Blanc said...

blow job. you're doing it wrong.

Anonymous said...

"oh oh, that's not your mouth I'm kissing!"

dadthedude said...

I usually prefer that tight giraffe ass, but I'll slum it with a rhino at closing time if I have to.

Heidi said...

Adds another meaning to 'Rhino-sore-arse'.

shyne said...

Hey, Al. Could you take a look over the railing and see what my trunk is stuck in? It's killin me.

This Brazen Teacher said...

After being shot down by all the other female elephants, Sully decided to explore his options.

Anndi said...

I don't care how soft his fur is. This is the last time I pull that rabbit out of your arse, use leaves like normal animals next time!

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

"When I said I need Rhinoplasty this is not what I meant"

"This is what you call a Rhinosawass"

"I have this really large bogey and I just can't shake it"

"How do I know when he's inflated will he start to float"

Anonymous said...

The new image of Repressed Republican Curiosity.