Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Caption This

Due to the holiday, captions will be accepted until Saturday.


Still open for voting for a few more days. Thank you for all your support.
Granny Gipp is smiling down on you, too.


LL said...

"two balls with one header!"

"Soccer: When your quota of man ass just can't be filled conventionally."

"Are those truffles I smell or just fromunda?"

Swirl Girl said...

Australian Soccer - They take it real seriously 'down under'.

tahtimbo said...

1.How to Head-butt in soccer.
2. What A cheeky play.
3. taking brown-nosing to a whole new level.

ps. I like your new look

Anonymous said...

Here's a caption:

"My face sitting fetish, has become a reality."

Anonymous said...

hey! where did these extra balls come from?

A New Yorker said...

Hacky Sack anyone?

Unknown said...

Holy sh*t...

ReformingGeek said...

"Damn! The cheerleaders make that lift-thing look easy. I can't quite get it right"

GumbyTheCat said...

Sometimes you feel like a nut... sometimes you don't...

Anonymous said...

How about 'Heading the Butt'?

Anonymous said...

Said in the style of an over-exuberant football announcer:


Anonymous said...

And they said there's no sexuality in sports.

Anonymous said...

Brings a whole new meaning to the term friendly match.

Anonymous said...

All those hours of practice finally paid off.

Anonymous said...

This is NOT what I meant when I called you an asshat.

Bradley said...

The new penalty of balancing your opponent on your nose is becoming increasingly more popular amongst the players.

Jormengrund said...

Can you tell me the truth here..

"Does this smell funny to you?"

kalos_eidos said...

"I'll be in the "rear" if you need me!"

Paul Eilers said...


Sandee said...

Have a great Thanksgiving. :)

Jormengrund said...

In the immortal words of Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog:

"You've got a great face.."

"For me to POOP ON!"

Thank you, thank you... *bows*

Anonymous said...

"Dammit, Dave! Brown-nosing is NOT going to make the other team let us win!"

Anonymous said...

"Whatever you ate last night, DON'T EAT IT AGAIN."

"I think I found the Weapon of Mass Destruction."

TheFLy said...

With his fancy soccer moves, Pierre Le Derrière made his opponent look literally like an "ass-hat."

Gianetta said...

I hope my Thanksgiving turkey doesn't taste this bad.

eve cleveland said...

"Dude, I know we made an assload of money from that Axe Body Wash ad. But, I still feel dirty."

Chunks of Reality said...

"Do you see the ball?"

LOL OMG what a picture!

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Willy said...


Happy Thanksgiving.

10-4 Willy

Donnie said...

Hey Ramon, you constipated? Looks like it! Wait, I see a polyp too.

2 Brits, 2 Yanks, 2 Dogs said...

I knew these soccer guys were just a bunch of asses!

This is nuts!

Look asshole....

Does my butt look big in these?

Shit! Where did the ball go?

Excuse me - you're messing up my hair!

See I told you I wouldn't have anything else to do on Thanksgiving but what my comments appear!

Anonymous said...

Goalie: Gawd, that guy's a butt munch.

--Kate C.

Anonymous said...

Under the rules, you can butt the ball with your head. You cannot butt the butt of another player with your head.