We fought and debated for hours, and finally decided...
who got to pretend to be Paula.
And now, the decision of the judges.
But first...
We thought long and hard to decide what the award should be. Then we thought about the proliferation of awards that have been circulating. They reminded us of the old lady down the street who, just like every year, has a bumper crop of a certain vegetable. And it seems like you can't pass her house without her giving you a basket of
So, now I present the Zucchini Award.
You don't have to pass it on to 100 of your closest friends. You don't have to link back to me. All I ask is that when you display it proudly on your mantle, just let everyone know it is a Rubba Original Creation.
If you want to pass it along, you can. If you want to throw it on the pile with all your other awards, that will be fine, too.
And the winner will have his or her name and blog link displayed in a place of honor on my sidebar until I have another contest or get tired of looking at it.
And, as soon as I figure out how to do it, I'll be passing along some serious entrecard credits to our runners up.
These results have been stored in a mayonnaise jar on my back porch since early this afternoon.
And the winners are:
#1 Blogger Bryan said...
Go ahead. I know you wanna touch it.
#2 Blogger momjeansblogger said...
Things at Wal-Mart really have changed ever since Michael Jackson took over as buyer.
#3 Blogger Jenn Thorson said...
"Pee-wee Herman knew just the shop for the hot, rippin' wheels he needed..."
Thank you to everyone that participated.
I'm also going to give a random commentor (Drowsey Monkey) some entrecard credits.
I did notice that a theme seemed to run through Paula's choices, though. I wonder what's up with that?
Tomorrow: Ladies questions answered part 2
lol ... now that's an award! ahahahaha Congrats to the winners :)
Zucchini? That's a courgette! Why can't Yanks use the correct names? Tsk!
Ah, why, thank you, Crotchety.
I shall display it with my three Arte y Picos... my two Brillantes... and my cherished Jane Austen bobblehead.
Or else, I will make a nice zucchini parmesean from it. Not sure yet.
@ Drowsey: nothing but the best for my readers
@ adullamite: I wish youse Brits would just learn to speak English. It would make things easier. Any minute, I expect Claire to start calling it pants, which is either good or bad, I'm not quite sure.
@ Rubba: Take it up with Paula.
@ Jenn: Go with the parmesan. Much better use, and easier to dust.
Zat iz Zantastic! Congrats winners!:)
lmao I want to win that award next time! That is almost filthy looking, in a good way, of course. :p
How long can that one last on the mantle?
@ Sandy: The award was a collaborative effort. I had the idea, but Rubba turned it into a reality. We make a good team. Kind of like the Bert and Ernie of the blog world.
@ Offended: It may be the most offensive award ever. You are destined to receive it one day.
@ susie: Not that long, that's why I like Jenn's parmesan idea. Maybe one week, everyone can submit zucchini recipes.
Ha, in your face lo....wait, I didnt win? Dang it and I really wanted that green dildo award too or whatever it is.
buzz buzz
@ the Fly: My crack team voted, and I went with the decision of the members who showed up. I'll probably make this a Wednesday regular feature.
The zucchini award is bloody awesome! Congrats to the people who came up with the captions... that was a tricky one! (which is why I didn't try) :-P
Blogger Rubba said...
5:41 AM
You're just sore cause I got to be Paula. lol
@ Shadow: I know. I picked a tough one to show that I have the best and brightest readers.
@ BchBear: and a darned good Paula you were. Thanks for being a judge.
For anyone at home, I was Randy--the fatter version of him. Plus I like to call everyone dog.
@ da old man
What is up my canine
@ bear: yer killin' me
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I couldn't have done it without the little people!!!
I will display my zucchini's proudly on my site.
Thanks Old Man!
@ HRH Momjeans: You are quite welcome.
I think you mean 'Yous!' Tsk!
Ughhhhhh....I want the zucchini award.....
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