Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Wordless Wednesday, Richard Simmons Edition




Anonymous said...

You know, Richard Simmons really shouldn't take photos like that of himself. People might stop thinking he's butch.

Anonymous said...

Why did I choose to click here during breakfast? :-P

Da Old Man said...

@ Ryan: True dat

@ Shadow: By now you should know my posts aren't always safe while eating...or after eating...or before eating

shyne said...

I don't think I'll ever feel quite the same about raw veggies again.


Anonymous said...

ummm, errr, uhhh - fruity!

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless -- and suddenly not very hungry. :-P


Anonymous said...

It's weird, but I have come to really appreciate Richard Simmons. He just doesn't give a crap what people think and refuses to be anything other than the hot mess he is.

Da Old Man said...

@ Benny, Right, and Sara: Richard being Richard. It's so hard for me to stay angry with him.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, these have to be old pictures, because he looked like this over 20 years ago, when he was acting on General Hospital Soap Opera!
There ya go some more fodder for the fire! :)

Erick said...

Wow. Forget 'NSFW' it's not safe for anywhere.

Unknown said...

Oh my gawd, my eyes, my eyes!!! This is worse than that cheesecake photo of George Costanza on Seinfeld!

Skye B said...

Wow, that was a shocking wake up call! I shouldn't look at things when I first wake up..lmao!

Da Old Man said...

@ k: they do look older, but no less hysterical

@ Jade: Yeah, lately my blog has had some odd stuff, deserving of a rating not yet determined. NSA. Not Suitable for Anyone.

@ Jenn: I may have to find place that upgrades to braille computers for my regulars. Newbies only experience temporary blindness.

@ Skye: You should be fully awake, and have at least 3 cups of very strong coffee before viewing anything I post, especially if it's Richard Simmons related.

Shawie said...

Yikes! Those were funny pics:) happy WW!

Brent Diggs said...

That is just disturbing

Anonymous said...

I thought the worst thing I'd ever seen was a photo of Ron Jeremey dressed as Super Mario... until now...

Da Old Man said...

@ Salamat: Thank you

@ Brent: Yes, yes it is :)

@ Lisa: It's temporary, vision should return in a few minutes.

@ Tiggy: I'm going to search the internet for that picture, now. No, I wouldn't do that to you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! I don't know if that really inspires people to eat more produce. Perhaps we could take a poll...

Kathy said...

Man, you weren't kidding about the Richard Simmons thing. I think I'm going to have to throw out my contacts, as they have been soiled by this.

Bradley said...

I've firmly decided now that in no way will I ever be a vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

I don't even want to know where the Celery is.

Greg said...

GAH!! My eyes!!!!

Kirsten said...

Love it, yet I think I threw up a little in my mouth.
Thanks for that Old Man!

Da Old Man said...

@ Dani: Aww, c'mon you have 6 kids, you've seen it all

@ Doc Nicole: hey, it's all organic

@ Kathy: Sorry

@ Bradley: Just trying to help

@ Steve: You don't want to know

@ Greg: Your eyes will be backto normal in a day or so. The mental image will last much longer

The Rev. said...

Well, there isn't really much better on this planet than a little near-nude Richard Simmons, is there?

Chus said...

This is what I think: Richard Simmons