Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Caption This: New Year's Eve Edition



Nicole said...

Bill was getting ready to head to the New Years Eve Party at Susies when he did a last minute check-over of himself:

"Sunglasses that make me even sexier-Check"

Oops I forgot my bra!!!

Anonymous said...

The Curious Case of the 2009 New Years Baby

Anonymous said...

With ecstasy's rise in popularity among today's party-goers, evening wear has 'changed' slightly. Why here's Billy trying out the new "Rave-Wear" line!

Anonymous said...


"Boomer Lingerie."

HR Diva said...

I am too sexy for my diaper

Lola said...

The 14 pound 2 oz baby from California has conceded. Baby Bob is now the largest baby.

Born by c-section, hospital staff rented a caterpillar crane to remove the child from the womb.

Unknown said...

I got nuthin!

Marvel Goose said...

The 'rent's realized Bill wanted to be a Secret Service Agent when he started wearing sunglasses everywhere he went.

Unknown said...

Note to New Year's Baby: Throw in a salad!


Unknown said...

What seems out of place in this picture?

Anonymous said...

2009 is Bringing Sexy Back.

Kelly Ann said...

One shouldn't underestimate the power of a diaper, or a buttplug sized binkie, watch your back folks!


ReformingGeek said...

"Please, just shoot me now!"

Kevenj said...

"After receiving lay-off notices, many Die-Hard Republican followers of Pat Robertson just don't feel like themselves lately but have found renewed comfort in warm milk before bedtime."

Unknown said...

One example of the Childhood Obesity Epidemic.

The Self-Deprechaun said...

A new and improved, self-sufficient, self-feeding, self-cleaning baby: He is already lactating, can milk himself and can change his own diaper.

Thinkinfyou said...

Just another reason why women shouldn't breastfeed their babies.

Kate said...

I'm think I'm ready to nurse, sweet-thing.

Jormengrund said...

C'mon everyone.. You know the words to this song!

"Oh these are the people in your neighborhood..

In your neighborhood..

In your neighborhood..

Oh, there are the people in your neighborhood..

In your neighborhood.. Each day!"

Now, don't you want to just go out and meet some "new" folks???

The Hussy Housewife said...

MAn I would hate to be the one that has to put diaper rash ointment on that hairy deep dark crack!!

Seriously though..he is way to old to be in diapers. He should be in PULL UPS at least!!

Donnie said...

It's too early to puke, but thanks for the starter course...note: My thought--not a caption!

Sandee said...

Have a terrific day and a very Happy New Year. :)

Paul Eilers said...

That looks exactly like my younger brother!

Ha! Ha! HA!

Anonymous said...

I don't have single thought in my head except...


Anonymous said...

"Yes, ladies. He's single. Ah, yeah!"

Anonymous said...

This is just so wrong on so many levels.

bchbear said...

And just how did you get my picture, it was Rubba wasn't it?

A New Yorker said...

Breast does a body good?

Anonymous said...

You think 2008 was bad? Here's the start of 2009.

Swirl Girl said...

Santa's gotten a job moonlighting as the New Year's Baby.

Anonymous said...

But Billy Mays promised me it would be fabulous for new year's eve!

Just a Blogger said...

"Change is coming." I just feel sorry for the guy who gets to do the changing.

Unknown said...

Is that a butt plug hanging around his neck ? No for real ?

Michelle said...

Excuse me, he is my boy toy!!!

Please everybody do not make fun of him!!!!

Anonymous said...

Easily I to but I contemplate the list inform should have more info then it has.

Anonymous said...

interesting post. I would love to follow you on twitter.