Saturday, January 03, 2009

Caption winner announced; Blogosphere rejoices

The staff at Crotchety Old Man World Wide Headquarters and Discount House of Worship was put back to work immediately after our big New Year's blowout. Reeking of stale beer and cheap champagne, and suffering from massive hangovers Awake and alert, they got together and made their first selection of the year.

It was a great contest, and many captions got votes as Chica, Just a Blogger, Marvel Goose, Diva Cosmos, Self-Deprechan, and Kate all received first place votes as the best caption. Nicole, RutgersMB, Aoi, Jormen, David, Swirl Girl, and Lauren all received votes as great captions, too.

The first
Photobucket of the year goes to

Man I would hate to be the one that has to put diaper rash ointment on that hairy deep dark crack!!

Seriously though..he is way too old to be in diapers. He should be in PULL UPS at least!!

The Hussy Housewife

A very close second was Just a Blogger, and third went to Chica.

Next week's contest is going to have a little twist, but I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Unknown said...

Congrats! Very funny

The Hussy Housewife said...

OMDirty Diapers!!! I WON!!! I WON? ME? I never win anything..well except those chocolates you sent me...YEAH!!

Thanks JOE!!(and staff at Crotchety Old Man World Wide Headquarters and Discount House of Worship)

I will prodly display this great award on my trohy case. The Zucchini is safe with me..I don't eat them!

Unknown said...

Grats Hussy....

Anonymous said...

Now please, PLEASE tell us that's as gross as the caption contest will ever get. :-P

Kevenj said...

Appropriate: Congratulations Ms. Housewife!!

Said judges admitted being under drug/alcohol influences.

Sandee said...

That picture freaks me out. Really, it does.

Congratulations to the winners.

Have a terrific weekend. :)

Harry Yack said...

Goodness me. That's one tasty looking trophy.

Swirl Girl said...

I am happy for the Hussy - and disturbed that I had no problem in coming up with a caption for this's like driving past a car wreck - you are at once disgusted and curious.

Chat Blanc said...

Congrats Hussy!!! :)

A New Yorker said...


Anonymous said...

Absolutely a scary picture of diaper dude. Reminded me of an episode on CSI where a Senator was into being treated like a baby... And we think Blagovich had issues!

Da Old Man said...

@ Dizz and Dani: It was

@ The Hussy: The staff was suitably impressed.

@ Shadow: I'd like to tell you yes, but who knows what wil happen

@ Kevin: Recount? What does this look like? A Minnesota election?

@ Sandee: It freaked out most readers. :)

@ Hindley: It's a Rubba original design

@ Swirl: True dat

@ Lauren and Chat: She was pretty happy with the win

@ Susie: Maybe he is running for ofice?