Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Caption This; Holiday Edition

Too close to Christmas to mess with Santa


Have a Merry Christmas


Lipstick said...

just stopping by to say Merry Christmas to the Crotchety's! (I really suck at the whole caption thing).

Da Old Man said...

@ Lipstick: Thank you. And the same to you and your family.

Paul Eilers said...

It's Christmas Eve, Crotchety!

Adullamite said...

Bad intelligence leads to failed SAS attack on Iran.

Unknown said...

Because everyone knows Greenlanders can't spell, he dropped the heinous farting dog on them to take them all out when they were celebrating Festivus.

Merry Christmas to you and the wife that puts up witcha. Kisses

Unknown said...

Crotchety, for the record I meant to write reindog.

Unknown said...

"And that's how Blitzen got his name..."

jafabrit said...

Happy Christmas to you too, and all the best for the New Year :)

Chat Blanc said...

I can't believe it, but that pic has me totally speechless!! hilarious!

let me just say, I'm wishing you and the missus a very Merry Christmas! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't see how these antlers are going to help with my stealth mission sir, but I won't question it.

memphisdonna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deb said...

Merry Christmas Crotchety! Don't forget carrots for the reindeer and some low fat eggnog for the big guy.

Jormengrund said...

"There must've been some mix-up at SAS.. When they heard the words 'On Donner and Blitzen' They thought the queen had said 'oh, dog and blitz them!'"

Anonymous said...

I haven't even the foggiest idea of how to caption that... so, Merry Christmas!

GumbyTheCat said...

Merry Kwanzaanukkahmas, Crotchety!

Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to wish you all the best for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I've enjoyed reading your blog since finding it through entrecard and will continue to do so!

Charmaine said...

After suffering from a mild identity crisis Rex, the German Shepard, went off his meds and applied for an opening posted on Craig's List to be one of Santas Reindeers. He did not get the job.

Santa: You can't fly, you're a dog. Stop wasting my time.

Rex: I can too fly you (bleep)

Santa: Get this stupid dog outta here.

The dejected canine was spotted sky diving over Pasadena with a message for Santa. We have digitally altered it for publication: (Santa is a Shi*)

Rex is currently being held at Pasadena County Jail on charges of defamation.

Is that too long for a title?


Have a wonderful Christmas!!!!!! Wishing you the best!