Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Caption This...Win Prizes


And while you are enjoying humorbloggers, please



dadthedude said...

Once again Raul forgot the first rule of going undercover in San Fran. Always wear hose.

TheFLy said...

Everything the government doesnt want gay couples to have; the right to be married, the right to bear arms and the right to wear fabulous white and pink tutus with cute heels.

Unknown said...

One crack about legs and you're a dead man.


Kelly Ann said...

Haha I don't have a caption, but the pic is hilarious. got me wondering why the gun, and why the fur... LOL

dadthedude said...

you can see fur? I need to look closer.

Unknown said...

"If you would just shave your legs, the rifle wouldn't be necessary, Fred!"

Rubba said...

Packin' Heat and Tuckin' Meat

Rubba said...

"FREEZE . . . You have the right to remain LOOKING FABULOUS(TH)!"

Rubba said...

Policy makers soon realized the "Don't ask, Don't tell" rule may not have been as thoroughly thought through as first hoped. . .

Rubba said...




Bill said...

Fred Phelps posted this photograph to prove that the Homosexual Agenda" is taking over America.

Anonymous said...

"Honey, I think you mis-understood the term 'Guerilla'".

Adullamite said...

Well no Palestinian worth his salt will grapple with him!

A New Yorker said...


eve cleveland said...

"Daddy, will you at least take the gun off while you walk me walk down the aisle?"

HawgWyld said...

"You just never know who might be a terrorist, do you?"

Visit the Natural State Hawg!

Unknown said...

Two in tu-tus are simply too TOO, dahling!

Anonymous said...

John knew the fact of the matter was, he could get through security because no one would even notice the gun.

Paul Eilers said...

Mini skirts are back!

Sensei said...

Now Playing:

Natural Born Killers 4 : The Cross-Dressing Years

Kate said...

Her: I cannot BELIEVE we wore the same thing today!

Him: Hey, at least I had the sense to go out on a limb with accessories.

Her: I hate you.

Him: Just because I'm wearing it better than you EVER could...

Kirsten said...

I don't care how femme you are, guys never know how to do accessories!

Matt said...

After Kim Kardashian was eliminated from Dancing with the stars, she and her partner headed to Europe to kill Len Goodman's family.

Gianetta said...

New security measures implemented for the Israeli transit system: All passengers must declothe down to their undergarments before boarding. Even Israeli police officers were being subjected to the new rule.

Gianetta said...

I think somebody forgot to wax.

Gianetta said...

"Gay, damn right I am. You got a problem with that?"

Anonymous said...

"They'll never see us coming"

Candid Carrie said...

Oh, they are so cute! Are they identical twins?

Candid Carrie said...

Although Thomas was fine boned and had always struggled with body image, he was tired of people thinking he was a woman.

Candid Carrie said...

Does this gun make my ass look fat?

Unknown said...

How many times do I have to tell my Mom that she MUST shave before she attends the ex crack whore convention.

Unknown said...

Your Mom called. YA, she wants her AK 47 and her shoes back.

Anonymous said...

I vote for JD

John knew the fact of the matter was, he could get through security because no one would even notice the gun.

Anonymous said...

Brad and Angelina attempt to evade the press.

tahtimbo said...

A caption escapes me but, if you dress like that, you NEED to carry a gun.

Rose Broadway (Rosie) said...

"I TOLD you people would stare if you didn't leave that damn gun at home."

Lady L said...

Hurry up! We're gonna be late for the Sarah Palin rally!

HumorSmith said...

A scene from the upcoming Quentin Tarantino production of "Swan Lake".

Anonymous said...

"Guns and the Roses"

Good find. :D