Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday Morning Post

Did you ever have one of those weeks? You know the kind where it just kind of drags, and then all of a sudden, it's the weekend? I just had one of those. It was perpetually Tuesday, and then all of a sudden---BAM---welcome to Saturday morning.

I like Saturdays for a lot of reasons. First, I get to sleep later. Which is good because I usually can't fall asleep until after 2. I usually wake up in time to watch Showbiz India, because I am kind of obsessed with Bollywood movies. I have Shakalaka Boom Boom sitting right here for viewing this weekend.

I probably should take drugs or alcohol or something for my sleep problems. I need to do some research to see what is the best beverage to make me sleepy, and am open to suggestions, and warm milk doesn't do it for me. I'll be busy hoarking up stuff for hours. Beer makes me go to the bathroom, and I'm not a big fan of wine.

The other reason I like Saturdays is grilled soy cheese sandwiches. The Crotchety Old Lady usually makes me grilled soy cheese sandwiches on Saturdays, so that kind of makes me happy. But she may be going out for the day, so that will kind of mess up my grilled soy cheese schedule. I guess she'll make it Sunday, but that throws my whole week off. Am I the only one who wonders about things like this? Doesn't everyone face the grilled soy cheese conundrum?

Oh well. But the good news is our marshmallow delivery came in Friday, so I'll be on a sugar induced frenzy this weekend, alternated with a near diabetic coma. Yeah, I live on the edge.

If you want to know more about my marshmallow experience so far, you can always check this out:

Don't forget to vote for me at:


Anonymous said...

Lucky you!--getting to sleep in on Saturdays. Usually, Saturday and Sunday are the only two days I have to get up early (that's usually when I do hot-air balloon crewing).

I'm up right now on a Saturday and it's only 4:37 a.m.

...and, I'm getting crotchety!

No soy cheese!

A New Yorker said...

...Come on Get Happppyyyy!

Unknown said...

Shakalaka Boom Boom-- it's just fun to say. I really enjoyed Om Shanti Om, and have also put Shak De India on my Netflix list, so I may look this one up as well.

Da Old Man said...

@ Dead Rooster: If I had to get up at 4:30, I'd...I don't know what I'd do.

@ Lauren: I am. It's Saturday

@ Jenn: I'll do a movie review after I see it. The song is my favorite, I hope the movie lives up to he song. :)

Donnie said...

If I knew that I had a grilled soy cheese sandwich waiting on me when I got up...think I'd sleep late to. Sorry Joe, not my cup of tea. Yech!

Deb said...

Grilled soy cheese? I have made tacos with some soy taco mix thing which is actually quite good, but I don't know about that grilled soy cheese thing. It's the texture...or lack thereof. Seems a bit on the rubbery side.

Hope you get your soy fix at some point today!

Anonymous said...

Ever try chamomile tea or sleepytime tea? I find both are quite pleasant and work quite well... plus, unlike most tea,they don't make you have to keep going to the bathroom. Some people *cough* think pot works wonders for inducing sleep, but I, of course, wouldn't recommend something illegal.

Da Old Man said...

@ Don: The brand I use, Galaxy, is pretty good. Just like regular cheese without all the hacking and breathing problems I have after eating regular cheese.

@ Deb: Galaxy shreded works well on tacos. And it's hoark-free

@ Shadow: Maybe I'll try the tea. The other is a definate no for me.

Anonymous said...

I can't get to sleep before 2am and my husband is getting lonely. Other than that, I'd prefer to sleep until 10 each morning and just stick to my schedule. But, ya know...

So, tell me how to contact the people that you advertise for please? And while you're laying around doing nothing, could you PLEASE tell me why you eat soy cheese? Cheese is okay for diabetics, right?

All I need is MORE bad news. lol

Anonymous said...

Oh. hacking and hawking....lactose intolerant I bet...

GumbyTheCat said...

Shadow Crystal said:
Some people *cough* think pot works wonders for inducing sleep.

I can vouch for that. My college "smoke till I'm stoned out of my mind" days are long over, and so are my drinking days. But on nights I can't sleep, one tiny toke of weed puts me nice and snuggly in sleepyland.

I find it ironic that pot is illegal but alcohol that kills thousands of people in car crashes ever year is legal, as well as cigarettes that kill hundreds of thousands every year. The only things pot kills are ham sandwiches and nachos.

Did I just say all that? Hey, who's been using my Blogger ID to post comments? My damn evil twin Skippy, no doubt...

Anonymous said...

Gumgy,I just read your comment to my husband. I've never even SEEN weed, but if it would help, I'd look for it. But then again, with my luck, one drug deal going down and I'd be in jail OR someone would put a little meth in it for grins and giggles and I'd be hooked for life, unable to eat OR sleep. Drat the luck.

GumbyTheCat said...

Dana, I am not advocating it. Stick to the Sominex, lol. Seriously, insomnia sucks. I used to suffer from it frequently. But as I've grown older it has morphed into a regular (if light) six hours a night. I guess it's a byproduct of middle age, I don't know. I do know I've slowed down a bit since middle age set in. And that's a good thing, for a hyperactive twitch such as myself.

Kelly Ann said...

How much difference is there between soy cheese and regular cheese? Soy cheese just doesn't sound very good, but it's all the rave apparently, even with you.

Makes me want to go attempt it. Although the last time I was tempted to try something out of the ordinary, I tried ground turkey, and I can tell you right now I won't do that again!! :)

tahtimbo said...

My Saturday so far: Slept late, cleaned the dryer vent, went to Home Depot for new dryer hose
(seems the old one was never fully attached), swore at drier vent, re-attached dryer hose, defrosted spaghetti sauce (which turned out quite well. Thank you very much for the tips about the carrots), and writing this comment. I took a look at the marshmallow experience. Although expensive they do look quite good. As for the soy cheese...I think I'll pass on that one. My wife is lactose intolerant for most cheeses, but it seems she can stomach the harder, or more aged cheeses. I also wanted to let you know that you have just received a most prestigious award. You can swing by my site, , to pick it up...the paparazzi are already there and waiting for you.

Da Old Man said...

@ Dana: Cheese really isn't good for anyone. But I have allergy-like reactions when I eat it.

@ Gumby and Dana: You seem to be working it out between yourselves. :) I'll try the herbal tea.

@ Chica: The only one I recommend is Galaxy brand. Some of the other were not so good.

@ Tahtimbo: You did have a busy day. And thank you for the award. I'll pick it up tomorrow. Glad the sauce turned out well.

Anonymous said...

I'm going to do you a favor here -- try some Amaretto. It tastes great and you'll sleep like a baby.

By the way, stop back in at the All Arkie Army soon. Changes are afoot!

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