Monday, October 20, 2008

Some things are just wrong




And, of course,

William Shatner singing:

They have a solid moral compass at:
While at Humorbloggers, you can do the right thing and vote for me.


Anonymous said...

That free cat is cold blooded :)

LOBO said...

Eyahhhhh!!! My eyes!

And me with no pencils to impale them with!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dammit, Crotchety! I could have gone my whole life without seeing that first photo.

Love the "free cat" one, though.

Anonymous said...

By the way, you'd better head back over to the All Arkie Army. Big changes are afoot, and we need some funny over there...

Unknown said...

Well, it looks like you had plenty of lovin' at your pool party this weekend. Are you sure the lovely Ms. Crotchety has that good of a sense of humor??? Enquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...


Stay right where you are. You have been tagged. I repeat. You have been tagged. You have the right to remain silent, but only for a day or two. After that, respond to my humble little tag... Hmm... Didn't quite seem so humble, eh?

A New Yorker said...

It's a damn good thing I already voted for you. After the cat photo I might have started a campaign against you!

Unknown said...

I'm with Lobo. I'm blind now.

I am typing this now only because of my sophisticated not-looking hunt-and-peck method.

You gotta admire how much self-esteem those, er, bathing beauties seem to have. I don't have the guts for that.

eve cleveland said...

I can deal with the chunky gals and the cat...but wtf IS that green thing? I'm going to need more coffee and try to do some research.

Anonymous said...

Damn you... I clicked on the link! :-P

What is really wrong is that more people would likely be disturbed by the first picture than the second... that's a really sorry statement about humanity!

Da Old Man said...

@ John: I told you it's things that are just wrong.

@ Lobo: Aren't you glad now that you learned to touch type.

@ The Hawg: The picture made you a better person. I'll be by today.

@ Fishhawk. It was a very lovely party.

@ Hammy: Thanks

@ Lauren: Sorry. But thanks for your vote. :)

@ Jenn: I thought you'd be so happy with the Shatner clip. I know you're a big fan of Bill.

@ Eve: Coffee will wake you up. It may be worse, then.

@ Shadow: Glad you got to hear Bill warble. I was going to put in the MacArthur park link, but no one should be subjected to that.

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Who let william shatner release an album anyways?!

crpitt said...

I love William Shatner singing....

Gianetta said...

Beam me up Scotty, the Captain is acting strange again.

Anonymous said...

Fluffy! My poor Fluffy! I thought you'd gone to live with Mrs Peterson down the road! *wail*


Da Old Man said...

@ Heidi: I have no idea. I'm just so glad he did

@ Claire: You would :)

@ MA: At least Scotty didn't perform a duet with him.

@ Tiggy: I'm so sorry. Oh wait. That's not Fluffy. Her name is Flats.

Bradley said...

I love the dead cat photo, but the rest made me feel so dirty that I think I need a shower.

TheFLy said...

I think William Shatner singing is hilarious. The Shat, The Ner and the Shitty Singing, haha, so ridiculous its hilarious. The other photos, they are forever burned into my retinas and now seeped into my subconscious where they will haunt my dreams forever. Thanks for that, ;-)

Anne Coleman said...

Now my eyes are burning. WTF? Is half that stuff legal? I'm reporting you to the blog police! :oP

Jessica said...

Omg-that free cat sign is sooo bad.

Watching Shatner signing is what I do when I'm having a bad day! :D LOL

Anonymous said...

nope,i am sure that Mrs. Crocety has absolutely NO sense of humor...

Rubba said...

OMFG . . .

I'm completely disgusted. . .

That's one of the most horrible things I've ever seen. . .

Why on earth would those women let that pug tease that other dog like that?. . >:-(

Rubba said...

and I saw the img props . . . bitch. . .lol . . .

Chunks of Reality said...

And to think that I just blogged about weight today....


Anonymous said...

OMG are they for real? I'm gonna have nightmares now. Stay puff marshmallow men in bikinis.

Da Old Man said...

@ Bradley: I warned you it was just wrong

@ The Fly: Glad to help

@ Anne: The blog police show up regularly on Wednesday's here.

@ Jessica: Shat can really belt out a tune

@ Anon: The woman has a great sense of humor. She's with me.

@ Rubba: It's an old one. You are the only one who noticed. LOL

@ Chunks: Sorry

@ Dani: It's all good


Anonymous said...

LMFAO those are just wrong on so many levels!

Oh, and you've been tagged over at my place -- please come check it out!

Deb said...

Damn those four elephant women. I threw out the last of the chocolate cake after looking at those thighs.

The only good cat is a free cat! I used to have a book, "101 Uses For a Dead Cat". Amazing what you can do with those things. Gives a whole new meaning to 'recycle'.

Shawie said...

ewwwwwwww.... those fat ladies looked so gross, hahaha!

Anonymous said...

LOL...I live by the beach and I do believe I've seen a few of those bathing beauties.

Ok, the cat thing...that's just wrong!

Da Old Man said...

@ Angie: I'll be by soonly.

@ Deb: LOL @ Recycle

@ Shawie: Bikinis aren't for everyone

@ Lala: Pretty much everything was just wrong

Chat Blanc said...

wrong doesn't even begin to describe all that carnage! ahaha!

Rubba said...

"We ate free cats for a month just so we could fit into our green rubber dresses". . .

Oh wait. . is dis not a Caption Day?. . .lol

Anonymous said...
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Da Old Man said...

@ Chat: Carnage is the perfect word

@ Rubba: No, that is tomorrow.