Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Look! Up on the desk! It's a bird! It's a plane!

It's Anthony?


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Bradley said...

Anthony sounds like a cool kid. The kind that never would hang around me.

Unknown said...

I think I'd be the sort of teacher that couldn't give Anthony a detention for that.

But then, I have a weird sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

Why that's perfectly reasonable behaviour. I bet the teacher would've looked daft it it turned out to be true ...

Donnie said...

So what? The thing that caught my eye here is who wrote that slip? That's some of the sorriest looking handwriting I've seen. I'll bet it was that uneducated piece of crap of a teacher! Imagine...blasting Superman that way.

Anonymous said...

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A New Yorker said...

I'm with Don. Strange kiddie handwriting. This educational system is goin' to hell!

Anonymous said...

Wow... if I was principal in a school and some teacher presented me with that, that teacher would be quickly sent for further training... or fired. I'd hate to see how she would actually respond to a real issue.

Sounds like the type of teachers my friends and I used to make bets on (e.g., how red will they turn by the end of class, how many times will they 'freak out').

That kid rocks.

Paul Eilers said...

What's wrong with that?

My wife sees me do that every night before we go to bed...

Da Old Man said...

@ Bradley: Nor would hehave hung out with me.

@ Jenn: I never noticed. :)

@ Chris: But I thought Superman's real name was Clark

@ Don: Exactly. Stoopid teacher

@ Listening: Glad you found us.

@ Lauren: So true

@ Shadow: Some teachers get really, really red. :)

Unknown said...

That's too funny. Defly something one of mine would have done.

Chat Blanc said...

like that's a bad thing? hmm. guess it's a good I never stripped down to my catwoman custom in class.

MYM said...

lol ... how can that get you detention?

TheFLy said...

Those are the types of papers you roll and smoke. Still, it makes me wonder what preempted the Superman outbreak from the kid. Doesnt he know that you cant reveal your secret identity.

This Brazen Teacher said...

How does one give a detention in response to such a heroic and brazen act of authoritarian defiance? Thank you for making me smile with your post :-D

Da Old Man said...

@ Paul: That's what I heard

@ Dani: LOL

@ Chat: You may have gotten an A.

@ Drowsey: Some teachers are tough, and related to Lex Luthor

@ The FLy: You'd think he'd know that

@ Brazen: You know how some of those grumpy old teachers can be

Anonymous said...

Honestly, that kid ought to be rewarded.

I ought to post some of the notes my kids get sent home...

Kirsten said...

Anthony could use a visit from the guys in white coats. Just an observation. He's obviously disassociating due to the stress of third grade.

Da Old Man said...

@ The Hawg: That would be hilarious

@ Kirsten: The pressure is almost too much

Unknown said...

In second grade, I got a whippin' at school, another one when my mom picked me up after school, and another one when my dad got home from work for whacking two kids heads together just like Superman did on TV. Hey, it was 1965, and we were living in Oklahoma City, OK at the time.

Da Old Man said...

@ Fishhawk: I remember those days. I did more 3 Stooges stuff. Still got the whipping, although I was hoping for a pie in the face.